Which food, when you eat it, instantly transports you to childhood?

I don’t know when I became madly in love with one dish that my mother made. Even today when she makes that, my eyes gleam in happiness. It’s nothing but Parippu curry(Moong dal).

Let me take you through it. The parippu is very soft after cooking and the flavours are mild but well balanced.

Now imagine you have a  cut banana leaf spread over the table. Put two spoons of cooked Matta rice over it.  Make a small well in the middle of the heap of rice. Add the sizzling hot parippu to it and then add a teaspoon of ghee to it. I am salivating just by describing. Take a pappadam and break it over the parippu and mix everything well and enjoy your food.

Enough foodgasm for today; have transported me well to a lot of childhood memories.

Until I see you with another dish, later, bye.

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