I have been vocal about mental health, anxiety, depression and mental health disorders for some years now via social media. Still while sharing quotes about them or sharing my own blogs I often think many times before doing that. It’s the fear of having a judgemental society around that considers it abnormal to speak about our fears, pain, uncertainties, our insecurities or our vulnerabilities. But when I see random people share about these and I feel validated. And maybe my motivation to speak about these is also the same. My stories and opening up might make someone else feel seen and help them to come out of their comfort zone. So let’s do the talking.

Since childhood I have been constantly reminded by my own people around how “over-sensitive” or stubborn I am. Over the years I didn’t know how everything amplified into extreme sets of emotions for me. I remember my first interaction with a mental health counsellor at my school . I remember how , with so much courage, I asked him about the constant self harming thoughts I used to get since I was 13/14 years. But due to the kind of invalidating response I got , I stopped speaking about it anymore. Over the years my symptoms have worsened. The overwhelming thoughts , impulsivity, low self-esteem, uncontrollable mood swings have accompanied me for another 10+ years. The actions due to those have often hurt the people around. But very few could try to understand me.

Then after years due to new acquaintances’ or my friends’ guidance I found the courage to take therapy. And I am so grateful I did that. Therapy is my saviour. I am grateful I have friends around who have understood me well. And the battle is not over. I haven’t healed completely nor stopped making mistakes. But I know my emotions and thoughts are valid and someday I will find my best self. Right now I am loving the current version of me.

In this country where healthcare accessibility is often a privilege at places, even talking about mental health and therapy is a privilege. Before writing this , being an overthinker, it has crossed my mind many times whether i should post this. But I challenged myself to do that.

Mental health issues and disorders is not a myth. It can happen to anyone around you. It can happen to your closest ones. If more people are aware about its importance and reduce the stigma around speaking about it, more people will finally come forward seeking help.

At the same time it’s important to know that one can’t force someone to therapy. But we can surely make anyone having anxiety, depression, mental health disorders etc know that their emotions and thoughts are valid. We can be kind and empathetic to them , at the same time set our boundaries too. With more awareness and non judgemental spaces to talk about it, more people can heal.

We can’t pour from an empty vessel. Everyone doesn’t have the caliber or scientific knowledge to treat other’s issues. That’s where psychologists, therapists and psychiatrists are important. And I know it’s often a privilege to take that help for many of us.

I hope with time and more efforts, let more people come out of their closed nets, speak about it, seek help and make Mental health and Therapy affordable and accessible to all. Let’s normalise seeking help as same as treating your physical health issues. Let’s make our workspaces, educational spaces and social gatherings acknowledge taking leave out of mental health issues as something normal.

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