

Which food, when you eat it, instantly transports you to childhood? I don’t know when I became madly in love with one dish that my mother made. Even today when she makes that, my eyes gleam in happiness. It’s nothing but Parippu curry(Moong dal). Let me take you through it. The parippu is very soft…


How important is spirituality in your life? All around, I see spirituality being labelled to a particular religion or a diety but I’m not there. At a younger stage of my life, I was a great believer whose comfort and connection was with someone divine in mind. 15 years apart, I can see how I…


How do you practice self-care? How would a person with low self esteem rise above the wounds that made her so? Well, I would be a walking example of that. Today, healing has helped me in loving myself whole heartedly and caring for my body and mind equally on a regular basis. Self care involves…

Through my eyes; Dr APJ sir

Share a story about someone who had a positive impact on your life. It was months before he became the President of India that Dr APJ Abdul Kalam sir visited our school. Being a student of ISRO’s school was a blessing and privilege, I would say. Inspite of being a very young kid, I was…

A fresh breath of air and a Beach Side Dinner

Beaches.. What an emotional rollercoaster, it provides. I remember the day I went with my best friend to a new beach side restaurant at my place. As we parked the car , a cool sea breeze brushed through me, I paused for a while and then I knew the evening was going to be pleasant.…

Freedom: Through my eyes

What does freedom mean to you? Oh! I see myself as a rebel and still haven’t felt complete freedom yet. For me freedom means the ability to do things I love to do without harming another person within the rights given as per constitution. As a woman, it means my independence to choose what I…


An activity that I have been doing since I was a 14/15 year old. I used to write about friendship and love the most back then. Daily happenings that affected me both in a good or bad way found its place in my diaries. I don’t know why but somewhere in college life I stopped…

An Idle mind is a devil’s workshop

“An idle mind is a devil’s workshop” Oh definitely!!Nothing else seems true in the case of my mind in this recovery phase.The deepest thoughts and fears crawl again and again to ponder my mind.I sigh in disappointment but it’s what it is.Not being able to go out or meet anyone even at home can make…

Peace And Reflections

It’s been hardly 18 days since the surgery, something I had waited since 2015 I guess. I’m recovering much faster than expected. I’m so grateful for the team of doctors and the post operative care I got from the hospital. I’m grateful for the friends who find time to keep me busy or care about…

Everything Matters

What are 5 everyday things that bring you happiness? Even the minute things around me can give me instant happiness. Be it the  dew drops on my scooty as I unpark it for a ride to my workplace or the sight of a bird flying over the sky making patterns. Even a small interaction with…


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