How do you practice self-care?

How would a person with low self esteem rise above the wounds that made her so? Well, I would be a walking example of that.

Today, healing has helped me in loving myself whole heartedly and caring for my body and mind equally on a regular basis. Self care involves everything you do to make your body feel genuinely loved and cared for, not  some instant dopamine rush or impulsive love.

I care for my body by taking care of its health problems, having a healthy lifestyle by exercising and having a balanced diet, taking care of skin and hair on a daily basis and acknowledging the imperfections I feel I have. Accepting your body as such without promoting either  toxic body positivity or fad diets. Being responsible for my actions and taking steps to correct those in case of mistakes is also a method of personal growth and self care.

To maintain my mental health, I journal regularly, try to exercise daily, and seek help if necessary. Avoiding toxic environments and setting boundaries with others, personally and professionally, is also a kind of self care that almost everyone struggles to achieve.

Cheers to the self love one can give to ourselves and thus can love others more truly.

Author: Ameya Babu

scribbles whatever I feel is worth it.. love nature, travel, relations, dogs, food, by profession

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