Through my eyes; Dr APJ sir

Share a story about someone who had a positive impact on your life.

It was months before he became the President of India that Dr APJ Abdul Kalam sir visited our school. Being a student of ISRO’s school was a blessing and privilege, I would say.

Inspite of being a very young kid, I was very excited to have an interaction with him. Though I couldn’t ask any questions directly, I saw him respond calmly to everyone who asked him questions. That persona he left behind still radiates within my head. Each time I see a previous interview of him in TV or YouTube, I remember his presence at our school. The aura he radiated is an inspiration to be and have impacted me very positively in my life.

Kind humans radiate positive energy.

Author: Ameya Babu

scribbles whatever I feel is worth it.. love nature, travel, relations, dogs, food, by profession

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