An activity that I have been doing since I was a 14/15 year old. I used to write about friendship and love the most back then. Daily happenings that affected me both in a good or bad way found its place in my diaries.

I don’t know why but somewhere in college life I stopped doing that.I even stopped writing poems and short stories which was one of my passions in school time.

Years later when lack of a job put me in severe mental health issues, I resumed journaling again. I wasn’t consistent but it slowly felt therapeutic. I found my way back.

As time passed Journaling became a habit for me. It’s been two years or more. I’m a consistent journaling enthusiast and it makes me understand everything better , be it my thoughts, my doubts, my career and personal growth, my relations , my emotions etc..

To anyone who wants to track your mind and be mindfull, I would recommend Journalling. The peace you achieve when you read your old journals and feel proud of how much you have grown is unexplainable.

Author: Ameya Babu

scribbles whatever I feel is worth it.. love nature, travel, relations, dogs, food, by profession

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